Management procurement systems

As efficiency codes have come into effect in recent years, new construction technologies and methods have emerged. University Construction Management departments are on the cutting edge of the newest methods of construction intended to improve efficiency, performance and reduce construction waste.

New techniques of building construction are being researched, made possible by advances in 3D printing technology. In a form of additive building construction, similar to the additive manufacturing techniques for manufactured parts, building printing is making it possible to flexibly construct small commercial buildings and private habitations in around 20 hours, with built-in plumbing and electrical facilities, in one continuous build, using large 3D printers. Working versions of 3D-printing building technology are already printing 2 metres (6 ft 7 in) of building material per hour as of January 2013, with the next-generation printers capable of 3.5 metres (11 ft) per hour, sufficient to complete a building in a week. Dutch architect Janjaap Ruijssenaars's performative architecture 3D-printed building is scheduled to be built in 2014.

03.07.2024 | Obavještenje o podnesenom zahtjevu za izdavanje prethodne vodne saglasnosti „CM-COSMETIC MARKET d.o.o” (pdf)...
02.07.2024 | Na osnovu člana 28. Zakona o Vladi Srednjobosanskog kantona (Službene novine Srednjobosanskog kantona, broj: 5/03 – pročišćeni tekst i 14/03) i člana ...
27.06.2024 | Ministarstvo privrede SBK i ASA Banka d.d. Sarajevo potpisali su Ugovor o subvencioniranju dijela kamatne stope za privredna društva i obrtnike sa pod...
25.06.2024 | Kantonalno ministarstvo prostornog uređenja, građenja, zaštite okoliša, povratka i stambenih poslova SBK/KSB u skladu s članovima 40. i 88. Zakona o z...
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